When God Speaks: Trust, Listen, & Obey
This sermon was preached by Bryce Jester, and is about the importance of knowing God's will, and acheiving in our lives by trusting, listening, and obeying Him and His words.
Read MoreThe Power and Authority of Christ in Us
This sermon was given by Pastor Donnie Powers. It is about the fact that Jesus Christ has power and authority in heaven and earth, and how He was given us pwer and authority to use in our lives.
Read MoreSet Your Sail On God
This sermon that was preached by Bryce Jester is about keeping your attention on God. Sometimes we lose focus of God, or put God behind other areas in our lives, but if we look forward to God there...
Read MoreWhat is Your Purpose? The Importance of Good Works.
The continuation of the "What is Your Purpose?" sermon series by Pastor Donnie Powers. This sermon reminds us of the importance of our good works and the benefits of them.
Read MoreWhat is Your Purpose?
Sermon by Pastor Donnie Powers on our purpose as christians. God says we are good and because of that we should be willing to do good for Him.
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