
The Importance of Fathers

Posted on June 19, 2016

Fathers really play an important role in our lives, Brother Donnie highlights that through many scriptures in the Bible. Fathers are the head of the family and should be the spiritual leaders in...

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God Works For Our Good Part 2

Posted on June 5, 2016

Brother Donnie continued his series on the fact the God is a good God, and he works for our good when we rely and trust on Him.

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God Works For Our Good

Posted on May 29, 2016

Brother Donnie used the 34th Pslam to preach this message. He went over the scriptures and explained that when we seek and trust God, He will work good in our lives and bless us continually.

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Logos: The Interior Reality Behind Our Words

Posted on May 22, 2016

Bryce Jeser goes over one the greek words for word: logos. Logos isn't just a word, but rather the substance, or interior reality, that backs up the words we say.

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Prayer: Our Communication With God

Posted on May 15, 2016

Brother Donnie preaches on the importance of prayer, in the scriptueres. The word shows us that prayer is communication with God, who to pray for, and that God listens to our prayers.

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