Who Are You Going to Serve?
This sermon was preached by Donnie Powers, and is about the fact we have a choice to make. That choice is whether we will serve the devil and the ways of this world, or follow God and serve Him...
Read MoreThe Crucifixion And Resurrection
Sermon by Donnie Powers given on Easter Sunday. This is the whole story of Jesus' sacrifice and his powerful rise from the grave.
Read MoreThe Triumphal Entry
This sermon was given by Bryce Jester. He talked about the humility Jesus showed on Palm Sunday and throughout his life, and the fact that He sacrificed so much, all while thinking of us.
Read MoreA Heavenly Meal: Bread from Heaven & Water from a Rock
Sermon preached by Bryce Jester. He talks about the stories from the Old Testament and talks about the importance of the bread, rock, and water today in our lives.
Read MoreRenewing Our Minds
This sermon was delivered by Pastor Donnie Powers. He discusses the fact that we are new creations in Christ, and the fact that our minds are being renewed.
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